Blade Runner 2019 Los Angeles

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Writer Michael Green, Mike Johnson
Artist Andres Guinaldo
Letterer Jim Campbell
Colorist Marco Lesko
Cover Artist Andres Guinaldo
Page Count 112
Language English
Publisher Titan Comics


Blade Runner 2019 Los Angeles angol nyelvű puhafedeles képregény

Welcome to the rain soaked world of Los Angeles 2019 – a dystopic world of Replicants, Spinners and hardboiled future noir.

Veteran Blade Runner Detective Aahana „Ash” Ashina finds herself in a race against time to find a billionaire’s missing wife and child before they are gone forever.

With her only suspects being renegade replicants, she’s out for blood.

Writer Michael Green, Mike Johnson
Artist Andres Guinaldo
Letterer Jim Campbell
Colorist Marco Lesko
Cover Artist Andres Guinaldo
Page Count 112
Language English
Publisher Titan Comics

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