Fantastic Four #29

Original price was: 1890 Ft.Current price is: 1701 Ft.


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Rating T+
Format Comic
UPC 75960620289802911
FOC Date January 27, 2025
Page Count 25
Writer Ryan North
Penciller Cory Smith
Colorist Jesus Aburtov
Letterer Vc Joe Caramagna
Editor Tom Brevoort
Cover Artist Joshua Cassara
Inker (Cover) Joshua Cassara
Language English
Publisher Marvel


Fantastic Four #29 angol nyelvű képregény

The impossible has happened!

DOCTOR DOOM has taken over the world!

And the Fantastic Four are NOT going to let that stand.

As Reed locks himself in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben treats Sue to a trip to NYC with their mutual friend, JEN „SHE-HULK” WALTERS, to help get her mind off of things.

But tensions after vampires overran the world in their Blood Hunt remain, and when Ben, Sue and Jen find themselves on the wrong side of mob justice, they face a choice…and it’s one they will not be able to take back!

Rating T+
Format Comic
UPC 75960620289802911
FOC Date January 27, 2025
Page Count 25
Writer Ryan North
Penciller Cory Smith
Colorist Jesus Aburtov
Letterer Vc Joe Caramagna
Editor Tom Brevoort
Cover Artist Joshua Cassara
Inker (Cover) Joshua Cassara
Language English
Publisher Marvel

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